निम्न माध्यमिक तह खुला प्रतियोगितात्मक विषयगत परिक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम ( नेपाली शिक्षक )

शिक्षक सेवा आयोग द्वारा लिइएको निम्न माध्यमिक तह खुला प्रतियोगितात्मक परीक्षाको पहिलो  सामान्य परिक्षा उतिर्ण गरि सकेका नेपाली विषय शिक्षक का लागि दोस्रो पत्र को पाठ्यक्रम 

Click Here for ..... निम्न माध्यमिक तहको सामान्य परिक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम

Lower Secondary Level English Teacher Subjective Exam Curriculum (अंग्रेजी शिक्षक दोस्रो पत्र )

Lower Secondary Level English Curriculum of Subjective Exam

Second Paper Examination

Click Here for First Paper Curriculum ( प्रथम पत्रको पाठ्यक्रमका लागि )

आधारभूत (निम्न माध्यमिक तथा प्राथमिक ) तहको सामान्य परीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम (Lower Secondary and Primary LevelFirst Paper Curriculum

For Basic (Lower Secondary and Primary ) Level Vacancy Advertisement for Inclusive Competitive Examination

Total Marks for the Written Examination: 200

  1. General Examination – Total Marks: 100
  2. Subject-wise Examination – Total Marks: 100

Written Examination Scheme

Subject AreaMarksComponentsTime Allotted
General Examination
(For all subjects as per advertisement)
100 - 50 marks (Objective Multiple-Choice)
 - 50 marks (Objective Multiple-Choice, in two         parts)
1 hour
Subject-wise Examination100 - 40 marks
 - 10 marks
 - 10 marks for each of 10 items (Descriptive,         Subject-specific)
3 hours

Check the PDF attached below for more details about the first paper examination. It is for every Basic/Lower Secondary and Primary Teacher's examinations.

Instructions and Guidelines:
  1. Objective Section:

    • For the objective (multiple-choice) portion of the General Examination, a duration of 1 hour is fixed.
    • For each wrong answer in the objective section, 20% of the marks allocated for that question will be deducted. No penalty will be imposed for unanswered questions.
  2. Subject Amendments:

    • In this scheme, if there are any modifications, amendments, or deletions in the subject content (such as laws, rules, or policies) that have been revised three months prior to the examination, such changes will be considered as part of this scheme.
  3. Marking Consistency:

    • The same marking scheme will be applied to all subjects in the General Examination as advertised.
  4. Advancement to Subject-wise Examination:

    • Candidates who qualify in the General Examination will be called for the Subject-wise Examination.
  5. Final Result Calculation:

    • For candidates who qualify in the Subject-wise Examination, 50% of the marks obtained in the General Examination will be added to the Written Examination result.
  6. Examination Levels:

    • The examinations for both the lower secondary and higher secondary levels will be conducted as scheduled.
  7. Effective Date:

    • This scheme is effective from २०७६/११/०१ (Nepali Date).

त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय सेवा आयोगमा विभिन्न पदहरुमा नयाँ विज्ञापन २०८१ (New Opportunities in Tribhuvan University)

विज्ञापन भएको त्रिवि सेवा आयोग अन्तर्गत विभिन्न पदहरुको लागि आवश्यक पर्ने शैक्षिक योग्यता र उमेर