Showing posts with label Poems or Sonnets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poems or Sonnets. Show all posts

Come-come my twinkle star

Come-come my twinkle star

Don’t go – go very far,

You are the pleasure of heart

But my life is very short!!

Flower renewing in the June

You are the beauty of moon,

She was the light of sun

And you are also my companion!!  

Thou gone away from me

You know thou was my life key,

I hadn’t do anything

Now I’m remembering that everything !!

I thought thou are my bud

But I mixture into a mud,

I hoped that, thou will be my life

Now I understood you was only fathom in my life !!


That time I was alone

That time I was alone
I hoped it will be change,
But now I am also alone
Nothing didn’t became strange.

I was trembling everywhere
That was only fathom of delight,
Nobody had not stay near
Now I’m alone in shrawan’s night.

The edge of Mahakali was friend
The retreat of nursery was home,
Now it’s also my peaceful land
And now every solute is my song.

Life was neither delightful 
Nor peaceful that time.
Neither now it takes any rhyme !!

Love is like a red rose

Which grows up with prickles?

Abide thousands drops of rain

And burn with sunlight pain,

Never say anything

Never cry anytime !

At the end when fully grew

It looks much respected,

Everyone likes to see the delight view

No one try to ignore the fragment

And never forget to gaze.

Often inspire toward intensive

Love is also in same process.

May be some obstacle with your union and separation

It is always become entire life….!


Inspiration of Nature

Walking with new moment of time

Would provide differ situation to us,

Every stepladder we listen the nature with rhyme

Which, often inspire us toward the goals

And very essential parts of our success life,

We know these are the process of human being

Sometime we ignore it and sometime prosecute.

If our opinion is true and sacred

We will often rise up as a light of shine

If not we often defeat with life

Often vanished the nature rhyme which always inspire!



Believe on yourself if you can,
Make thee-self confidence's fan.

Confidence add knowledge of stream,
It offers the sources to make true the dream.

Hygiene provide the freshness to the mind,
It teaches other the smartness of the mind.

Politeness is the sign of professional outlook,
It obligate people to value of the innate look.

Life has various task to finish,
Win with patience and cherish.


Hidden Pain

Pain hidden their eyes and heart
Misery shown on their situation,
It is the sentence of their hunger
Innocently graze without passion.  

How tyranny we are? I realize
When I see that innocent mammals
Imprisoned vigorously in animal cage
To stop them graze our harvest
We do not appreciate
The emotion they have,
But starvation generate
Every cage they grabbed
With the thrust of water and appetite,
They console their innate desire site .

Dedicated to my kid (Sangam)

You just smile my kid !
You are my delight’s seed !
No matter how I’m tired
For your happiness I’m hired.

When I see the light on your smile
I can struggle mile to mile,
My life will complete that time dear
When you successfully get the cheer.

How wonder this life is?
Might you feel nowadays.
With the steps of time you know
I wish to see you mighty,
As the great personalities
Who remains ever in humanity.  
